Digital Transformation Strategy

Technology Readiness Level - TRL

Outsourcing the Innovation Process

Emerging Technologies
Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning, Industrial IoT

Solution Development

Creating Realistic Models -> Developing Technology Solutions -> Generating Value -> Innovation

Outsourcing – Studies, Training, R&D and Technology Development Projects (TRL 1- 9)
Area 1: Economic Modeling

Economic evaluation of projects

Economic risk analysis of projects

Estimation of optimal level of financial participation in projects

Selection of project portfolio for better risk-return ratio

Simulation of participation strategies in public tenders

Valuation of Real Options in PPPs and other projects categories

Simulation of optimal corporate debt structure

Performance evaluation of outsourcing contracts (when a company has multiple service providers).


Area 2: Engineering risk analysis

Identification of vulnerability elements in projects

Study of project design changes to mitigate consequences of failures

Optimal CAPEX allocation to meet risk tolerance requirements

Prioritization of investments to reduce engineering risks


Area 3: Operations & Asset Management

Simulation of system performance prediction (availability, failure rate, reliability, etc.)

Identification of project bottlenecks in terms of availability, production, passenger flow, etc.

Performance evaluation of engineering projects under uncertain field conditions (e.g.: (1) what is the risk of a water capture project not meeting the number of users of a new neighborhood; (2) What is the passenger waiting time as a function of the number of available wagons in a transportation system; (3) the same goes for electrical systems, etc.


Area 4: Model for Forecasting and Optimizing Inventory Policy: spare parts, raw material, and others.

Model for Forecasting and Optimizing Inventory Policy: spare parts, raw material, and others.

What is the spare parts forecast for next year?

Has the historical average been a good estimate for future forecasts for all items?

What is the optimal size of intermediate inventories (stacks, unfinished material, etc.) to minimize cost?

What is the optimal quantity to be acquired in cases of high purchase lead-time?

How does your company measure up against the inventory management benchmark?

How to find when, and how much to buy, to minimize the cost for different items?


Area 5: Simulation of Return on Investments (OEE, Availability, NPV, IRR, Production, etc.) in capital and improvement projects.

How to estimate the value of managerial options in projects that significantly modify the value suggested by the NPV?

What is the return on investment in a project to replace 2 pumps in an effluent treatment system?

What is the value of the option to postpone the investment in the renovation of a petrochemical tank?

What is the strategic value of a gold mine development project that has a negative NPV today?

What is the value of investing in projects to reinforce a bridge on a railroad that is already in operation?

What is the increase in value in the NPV of a project as a function of the option to increase production in the event of market expansion?


Area 6: Qualitative Risk Assessment in industrial equipment and systems.

Quantitative Risk Analysis and its management

Preliminary hazard analysis

HAZOP – Hazard and Operability Studies

Bowtie Methodology – risk to a system

Quantitative Risk Analysis


Area 7: Life Cycle Cost & Physical Asset Replacement Decisions

When is the time to replace an existing asset whose maintenance cost grows over time?

What is the time to replace an asset with a loss of operational efficiency over time?

What is the gain of performing group substitution of assets instead of individual substitutions?

What is the maximum availability gain of a system with replacements when there is a CAPEX budget constraint?

What is the relationship between replacement decisions and financial performance indicators of companies?

Acquire new assets or invest in the renovation of existing assets?


Area 8: Machine Learning (ML) Applications in Maintenance, Asset Management and Other Areas

How to forecast the remaining life of assets from monitoring data?

How to extract data from maintenance, production, etc. records?

How to identify the most important variables for the life of fleet components such as truck tires, engine belts, etc.?

How to automatically extract data from ERP and company maintenance records?

What’s inside an equipment condition monitoring algorithm?



Digital Transformation Strategy

  • Digital Transformation Strategy:

    • Avoiding top-down strategizing.
    • Change happens on the ground with employees who deal with the challenges daily.
    • CSM – The Customer Success Manager’s engagement strategies with clients to develop a professional relationship through the provision of product and operational services, training, and customer services.
    • It is the role of the CSMs to create and maintain long-lasting and healthy relationships with customers.
